Monday, September 13, 2010

HSKS - Week 1 Assignment (My Answers)

So here is our first assignment. My answers are in red.

  1. Someone with the same craft as you (either those listed above or another one).  I knit, sew, paint, and I just started drop spinning.
  2. Someone who was born in the same month as you. September. My birthday is tomorrow! 14th
  3. Someone from a different country. I am from the US of A.
  4. A new HSKS Family member. I am a n00b! This is my first year and my first swap ever!
  5. Someone who has been in 3 or more HSKS swaps. See above. :D
  6. Someone who has a bigger stash than you! (And if your stash is the biggest, proudly say so! My stash on Ravelry is 110. However, there is a ton I haven't stashed, but lets just go with the 110.
  7. Someone who both knits and crochets. I do not crochet.
  8. Someone who has the same favorite color as you. My fav colors are autumn colors; red, orange, golds, greens, browns.
  9. Someone who has the same favorite season/holiday as you. Favorite season: Summer. I heart Heat! Favorite holiday: Halloween!!!
  10. Someone who has the same favorite fiber as you. Sooooo stealing this from Misslucy (aka: Fleur Sweeting), Malabrigo! I think it's easier to put a yarn company because if Malabrigo has made it I enjoy it. All their weights all their fibers. If it is Malabrigo, it is good. Period. :D
Now to go hunting for people! That will be my next post. Also I hope to update my Rav profile and more of my blog with Likes/Dislikes. I might only get to part of it today (one or the other), but that is the plan!

1 comment:

JellybeanInc said...

I spin too! =D Been at it since last years. What type of spindle do you use?